The Lore Corner
Welcome to the LORE section!
NOTICE: This page is subject to updates and changes that have not yet been implemented. I’ll find the time to redo this completely eventually, I promise. In the meantime, like half of the contents in here is varying degrees of inaccurate.
A Tale of Tails is a long-running graphic novel that begun life as a practice project for Feretta (that’s me). Initially intended to help me get better at drawing, it began snowballing towards the end of the first chapter, and has now grown into a full fledged comic book project with years worth of lore and material to work with, all created by a single woman, who does all the writing and production on a weekly basis, usually over the course of two days per page (at the time of writing).
Here in the lore corner you’ll find a bunch of text and eventually a map to describe the world and its various functions. If you feel there’s something missing, don’t hesitate to add a comment at the bottom.
The lore wall is meant to be read as an in-world research document, and contains the following sections:
Farelliar, the Prime Realm
Political structure
The Realms
Temple and region
Characters/Important people
1 Farelliar (The world/The Prime Realm)
Farelliar is a world home to thousands of races of sentient creatures. It’s a lush and beautiful place, with settlements ranging from single houses in the woods to cities spanning entire kingdoms. The world is, for the most part, well explored and most of the kingdoms welcome any and all races in their midst.
It’s a relatively small world consisting of 17 continents divided by only minor stretches of ocean, calendar cycles are short (roughly 180 days per year), as are day/night cycles (16 hours rather than 24). Dancing twin moons decorate the night sky, allowing rather bright nights when the weather allows.
2 Political structure
The majority of the world is divided into kingdoms, though some have a more elaborate system of elected rulership (councils). In total, these number roughly 600.
Most of the kingdoms are peaceful and welcoming, though there are, of course, some bad seeds who are more eager for war than anything else. On the whole, however, the world is a fairly peaceful place.
Our home kingdom is Cilitro, but there are several others within travel distance. Excerpt from Mis’Alia’s research on magic activity and political personality:
Salvar – Kingdom, population 100,000 (roughly). International, home to all four prime magic schools, though its largest focus is Avin. Six magic schools recorded, one mixed arts.
Morin – Councilship, population 85,000 (roughly). Hesitant, but open. Restrictive when it comes to magic, but allows it. No magic schools recorded.
Rinos – Kingdom, population 90,000 (roughly). International, welcomes all. Widely known for its benevolent queen, Hildra Miv’sari. Magic focus is Cronin, three schools recorded, one mixed arts.
Olsor – Kingdom, population 3,000 (roughly). Restricted, primarily populated by Welderbest (big, ugly looking bastards, but hardy, strong). Region difficult to travel. No magic activity recorded.
Vilstir – Kingdom, population 7,000 (roughly). Reserved, but occasionally allows immigration. Populated primarily by Maidleigs. Interesting creatures, thrive both in and out of water, gills and lungs.. Strange combination. No magic schools recorded, sparse activity from immigrants.
Stelmar – Kingdom? Unsure, appears unpopulated, but shows clear signs of magic activity. Hidden underground, perhaps? Sent hired scouters, no word back. Will visit personally later. Must be a reason no one is settling there..
3 The Realmsphere
The world is part if what is commonly known as the realmsphere, a structure of multiple separate «worlds» in slightly different phases. The term refers to an imaginitive sphere structure which contains all of the realms within itself, even though the actual structure is impossible to gauge. This was mostly a concept created to make it easier for the «unwashed masses» to understand it.
The realms themselves are what give power to the many magic forces acting on the prime realm, which is considered the center of the sphere. Each realm has a color designation, which is a requirement for any magic user to «connect» with their power. See more about this in the Magic section.
4 Magic
As previously mentioned, the various magic forces gain their power from the Realmsphere, each power connecting to its own realm. In order for anyone to be able to use these realms for magic, they must first have been born with a natural connectivity to one. This will usually manifest in the form of miscoloration of parts of their body, for instance a tail with a different color tip than their primary body color.
Second, while there are natural, self-taught mages, it is recommended anyone capable of- and wanting to- learn a magic form are trained by masters to do so. The powers at work can be very dangerous, and many have died trying to teach themselves, or by accidental connection.
The four primary magic forces are elemental in nature. Solarin (fire), Avin (air), Cronin (earth) and Aqanin (water). The fifth form is Hadalen (The void), which is considered both the most versatile and most powerful form. It is also very rare, and only a few hundred Hadalen mages exist in the world, compared to tens of thousands for any other form.
Hadalens versatility and power comes from its ability to create something from the mere mental image of its user, or to put it plainly, the user can imagine something into existence. The complexity of that something depends on the mage’s level of understanding and discipline, but the most common use is to summon tools or weapons, allowing for strong combat versatility, as well as short term shadow clones. Most users can only maintain their spell for a short amount of time before the essence «dries» and fades back into the void.
Though it has never been recorded in the world’s history, a sixth magic type exists. Vitrin (The concept), a form of magic power thought to be so dangerous that anyone who has attempted to access it have vanished. It is thought that this power is capable of removing anything that exists and pulling it into itself. In simpler terms, it is the opposite of Hadalen, except permanent.
Mis’Alia note: Have been asked to perform (very careful) experiments into Vitrin realm potential. Theorizing possible access scenarios, it seems like one could successfully connect to the realm, but this must be done under highly controlled circumstances. Have consulted the artefact Kial’Via for advice. Recommendation: AVOID AT ALL COST. Will heed recommendation. .. Probably.
5 Temple and region
The Temple of Life, as it is often called by the commonfolk, is home to roughly a hundred Hadalen mages, mostly of the Rael’Pan race due to the regularity of the particular mutation required for connectivity. The temple is only open to females, and no male has been allowed entry since the first.. Incident. The young maiden that accompanied him never recovered from the physical nor mental scars..
The temple appears carved into the walls of the mountain (which has the name Laevvo), but in reality the rock itself was shaped and pushed to create the rooms and elaborate structures, making the walls themselves much denser and stronger than the rest of the mountain. There are at least four floors, the main one covering basic needs such as dining hall, kitchen, library/study hall and a well stocked gym. The two upper floors are sleeping quarters, primarily double or triple rooms with bed space for roughly 120 girls in total. The second floor also has a large open bath and the headmistress’ bedchambers (and wardrobe. Seriously, that wardrobe is ridiculous). There is also at least one basement level, primarily a single, large open space with seating arrangements, playspace and entertainment. There are also a few smaller (though still rather large) separate rooms for sports, as well as a separate magic laboratory. Rumor has it the laboratory also has several more floors beneath this again, though this has not been confirmed.
The region around the temple holds the name Vilnaer, and is a medium-sized council-based country. It has a recorded population of around 26,000, of which the majority live in the country’s one major city towards the southeastern border. The country itself thrives on farming and export of food and lumber, as well as many other goods, including luxury goods such as gold, diamonds and various natural oils, both for fuel and fur treatment.
The country holds an open international political view, though immigrants must register their entry and apply for an immigration permit before being allowed permanent residence. All political matters are handled by the 6 council members as elected once every ten years.
6 Religion
The world’s most prominent religion is the Path, a philosophical belief that your road through life was predetermined, and that allowing the Path to guide you is the only way to be truly at peace.
One might be forgiven for thinking this is simply a structured belief in fate, but this is not necessarily the case. While fate is a belief that all things that happen through life was predetermined, the difference lies in your ability to resist. Fate, by its nature, is a locked road, a chain around your neck pulling you through life no matter how hard one might try to resist. The Path, however, is a forceless guide, directing, but never demanding.
Surrendering to the guidance of the Path does not mean surrendering your free will, only releasing yourself to be shown the way. Many use the belief when they feel lost, and it has guided many a soul to a better way of life.
7 Characters and important people
Here follows an excerpt from Feretta’s notes on persons of interest in the region:
Fenfen Maria Esteban – Can’t imagine that’s her real name, but it’s what she goes by, so to each their own. Fennecians are rare around the world, and I’ve only ever known of one other on this continent. They usually stick to their own minor colony in the Sathra desert.. Still, interesting lady. A bit broken, but given her circumstances, it’s only reasonable.
She was born with both genders, and as a result had a pretty rough childhood. Lost her mother right out the gate, never met her father, taken care of by an elderly family friend. Lost her caretaker at 14, eventually got chased out of town by her peers. Been on the move ever since. Can’t imagine the hardship she’s been through.. Seems to be doing better though.
Mis’Alia, AKA Mistress – Guardian of the artefact Kial’Via, founder and leader of the Temple of Life. Very compassionate and understanding, seems wise far beyond her apparent age. Through her guidance, the world has gained many new Hadalen mages, and many of the world’s well educated and strong leaders are the direct result of her teachings. Her motherly love and natural soft appearance makes her a very comforting person to talk to, and snuggling between those incredible sweater puppies is the best medicine I’ve ever experienced.
Rumor has it she’s also an incredibly strong warrior and magic user, though I have never experienced this first hand. Peculiar obsession with fashion, changes clothes a lot. Very varied style, too. Overall, one of the most hugable people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.
Morgan Laranda, AKA Lamb – Good grief, does this chick ever stop pumping weights? She’s got abs that could deflect bullets and muscle where I didn’t even know you could have any. Pretty cool girl though, very dependable, perky and happy personality. Obviously lesbian, clearly has a strong physical attraction to several of the girls, and they seem to return that in spades.
Lamb is a pretty beefy girl, so obviously she’s got a very melee heavy combat style, with a lot of variation potential because of her magic abilities. I’ve seen that woman summon claws from nothing and cut her way through bandits like they were weed blocking her path. Scary, but also awesome..
Vixavil Hadaliv, AKA Vix – Now that’s a mouthful of a name.. Strange girl, hard to put my finger on, but she seems to emanate this sort of.. Energy, and that’s not just her hyper-energetic personality. Will have to observe her closer.
Either way, Vix is a really perky and upbeat young lady, always has a funny comment ready and seems impervious to sadness. Like seriously, she could smile her way through a funeral and make everyone else feel better by her mere presence.
The other girls at the temple seem somewhat nervous around her though, supposedly she’s got control issues with her magic, put her first teacher in the infirmary at the tender age of 4 and managed to blow several holes in the temple walls at various points in time. Which is impressive, those walls are like granite.. Still, she’s very friendly and absolutely adorable. Really needs someone to be close to.
Jennifer Evelynn and.. Jennifer Evelynn? AKA Jennie or The Twins.. These two I really have no idea about, they seem identical in every way, so much so that they even speak together. I can only imagine it’s some form of magical spell that connects them or something, but I’ll have to do more digging to figure it out..
In any case, these two are the Mistress’ handmaidens, they follow her around and attend to her every need like they were born to do it.. But I’ve also observed them on their own, and they are definitely chosen to do that for a reason, these girls are almost as good leaders as Mis herself. They break up fights, they comfort, they help cook and clean, they teach both strength and magic, and they’ve got the kind of world knowledge that only true scholars achieve. Usually by lifetimes of study.. Did I mention they’re like 23 years old?
Kaenvil Cockra, AKA Mayor Cock – Not the brightest fellow I ever met, but he’s got a decent head on his shoulders. Good leader, supposedly a former member of the Battlecocks, one of their battle commanders or somesuch. Handy with a greatsword, strong, but aging.
Cock makes himself seem pretty tough and strict, but he’s a genuinely caring guy, I’ve watched him play with the younger kids in town, and he’s got the patience of a saint when it comes to Thomas, who seems like a pretty thick-headed bull..
Sha Vida – Now this is the owl to know in the region. She usually hangs out in the city, but she gets around a -lot- when there’s any form of exploration or adventuring to be done. More money than most kings/queens, makes her fortune on a mix of fashion and dungeoneering, which is kinda weird.. I guess when you’re that rich, you just crave excitement.
Never seen her do any fighting, but she’s always got people around her who are more than capable of handling that. Very posh woman, not sure of her exact age, but if I were to hazard a guess, I’d say middle-aged.. 35-40? Wise, certainly, and razor sharp intellect. Some of the sharpest eyes I’ve ever known, had her spot and pluck even the slightest uneven seam in my tank top when we met. OCD, I think.. She tries to supress it, but sometimes she just can’t help herself.
Took a swing at me once, close call too, and called me, uh.. «A HOOTing squirrel».. Note: Never suggest she’s a barn owl. In fact, it’s probably best to never mention barns around her. At all.
Meeka Rose – Curious, if somewhat reserved girl. Seems happiest when on the road, currently part of Sha’s crew alongside Red. Looks somewhat meek, but when she gets mad, she gets -really- mad, and she’s a lot stronger than she appears. Drags around a ridiculous-looking bow, some kinda clockwork mechanical device by the looks. Even I could barely pull that thing halfway, and I’m pretty fit myself.
Girl’s loaded up on gadgets and equipment though, some of it for padding and protection, some of it to help her use that crazy bow thing. She’s certainly got the skill to handle it though, I’ve seen her showing off to the kids in town – Shooting arrows all the way from the forest line to the mountain wall in the back, and hitting her target perfectly every time. Impressive, to say the least.
Redevan Tauron, AKA Red – Big, strong, temperamental. Typical traits for a Torrin, but seems to have a lot more patience than the average bull. Most of his kind would’ve just rushed into any fight and crushed some skulls, but I’ve watched him step in and -break up- bar fights. Unusual. Cute, though.
Can’t say I’ve ever seen him carry a «real» weapon, but he’s got some cool heavy gauntlets that can do serious damage if they need to, and he’s certainly got the physical prowess to direct that damage.
Not a bad looker, either.. Bet he’s got a pretty big co-[end of excerpt]
8 Timeline and technology
The prime realm has one odd feature, its age. Roughly a thousand years ago, the world and its inhabitants simply.. Began. One moment there was nothing, the next there was a lush world and thousands of people of various races. Over the thousand years that followed, everything grew at an incredible rate, from practically stone age to a fairly high tech and connected society, well developed with both magic and clockwork mechanics of incredible complexity. More info to come as it’s explored.
Hey yo Feretta Xandar C again long time no chat (haha on my end) don’t know if you’ll see this but how exactly does Draakin magic work and how does it differ from regular magic? Also do Draakin have focuses or is their entire skin their focus because from what we’ve seen so far every Draakin is just one solid color
Do you mean Draakin or Draako? These are two different species, the Draako are bipedal humanoids, the Draakin are dragons.
I did mean Draakin because Draakin magic was menntioned way back when Fen uh… “accidentally” altered reality and fused her and vix into a wyvern
Right. The simple answer is they cheat. :p
Hey, Fireta. I just started reading recently, remembered a lot and wanted to ask. The spheres were created by Father Fenfen to facilitate the restoration of their world, and received magic through the chip, as he himself received it, now the inhabitants are created directly by the sphere (itoria of the creation of Vix) therefore have the color of the element of the sphere, then downloads the user’s record. Father Fenfen hacked the Way, began after the destruction of half of their world to limit memory (Pierce, if I understood the words correctly) into a new body, creating new stories, as in the series Westworld. Mixed reproduction is weaker than those that are completely covered with the color of the elements and obtained from the sphere. Dragons are the inhabitants of another planet. Vix turns white because it consists of two magic of white and black and now black magic is spent on creating children and, thus, standing only in white, which hints that the future he will receive the power of the white sphere.
Vix turns white because it consists of two magic of white and black and now black magic is spent on creating children and, thus, standing only in white, which hints that the future he will receive the power of the white sphere.
My English is poor. Thank you for the answer next time I will try to explain better.🐱
I have no idea what you’re rambling about 😀
Hey look it’s 2024
Hey yo Fayette Xandar C here! Just created my account t today so that way I could get in on the discussion a d I gotta say, you did a damn fine job on this story and are doing so right now however I gotta ask can we please sometime get a detailed description on the spells themselves as in like what spells can be cadted from each magic type and what they can do and how they work? Because id really like to know what is and isn’t possible with magix in this world like can I create functional atom bombs with Hadelen or can I be all like Emperor Palpatine from STARWARS: The Rise of Skywalker on Exagol where he just uses that force lightning to take down a whole fleet of hundreds of space ships? But either way I’d like it if possible for this detailing to come in the form of a comic strip like the one that Vix did givinf us a brief explanation of the world magic people and technology but if not then I’d like for it to at least be on this page seeing as how just typing it out is alot more convincing and presumably easier on you than just making a whole comic strip on it. But either way thank you for this comic and may you continue to make it for ever and ever because its just that good and I hate it as much as the next guy when a good story comes to an end. Also I have absolutely no idea if you’re even go to see this but seeing as how you’ve done other comments and replies on this page I’m going to assume that you check back regularly or often or you do actually see these comments and replies.
Okay I meant to type Faretta and apparently my phone autocorrected it to Fayette instead for some reason without me knowing it
Doing that in comic form would be a lot of work, but I will eventually get around to cleaning up and elaborating on the lore page.
I am really glad to hear that ph and also where I said cadted I meant to say casted but apparently my phone didn’t want to cooperate with me
Imagine a Dungeons and Dragons campaign taking place in Farelliar. I’d be hype for that!
I can see Fenavi being unique subclasses in a Monk/Wizard or Monk/Sorcerer multiclass.
You know its funny that you should mention that because I’m actually planning to do a dnd adventure that takes place in Farelliar so if you want to hit me up and we can collaborate on it so that way we can create a great story plot together for it.
um hey, you good at playing dumb, feretta, but i know you know everything about this world.
you created it.
I love the lore and the world building, but I skip over the porn stuff. Nice art though!
What exactly was The incident in the temple?
i curious too,
A while back my friend was working on a comic about heros and we both read your comics usually skipping the porn based Parts as we are more interested in the story he creates fun little comic strips of how we think they should react my character lucas is heavily against being touched and is into researching different magic types as he is a void magic user ( i can explain the difference between hadellin and void) and there was one where he put fen with angle dust from hazbin hotel and said you mess with him while I’m researching idk kinda thought I’d bring it up sory for my terrible spelling
Also lucas is is from a different universe has a really deep story and was let in because he is not effected by the water due to being nighther gender and expressing a more male appearance also he is very deep into this whole research thing and will forfeit his body to continue researching
Hello Feretta
My name is Michael.
I’m a sensitive guy. I am deeply moved by poems and works of art.
I have a passion for steel, blacksmithing and sword fighting. In my free time I deal with magic and Tarot, I read quite a lot.
I am not the soul of the party, but I can be a faithful friend.
I work as a tool maker / welder.
I really enjoy your works.
I apologize in advance for my grammar mistakes, because English is not my native language.
I can already see everyone’s eyes bleeding…
I’m Polish and I’m learning English from games, including Path of Exile and… your comics 🙂
I am fascinated by how you reflect events, emotions, surroundings and characters in yours arts.
Despite the fact that it is a drawing, there is something alive in it.
From what I read, you mentioned that you are a graphic designer and that you are thinking about changing your profession to an illustrator / artist / comic book creator.
You are made for i…!
You’ve created a beautiful world …
I mean “A Tale of Tails”. I fell in love with the main character.
Fen is a beautiful, sensitive and talented in magic being. I would like to have a life partner like her.
Heh… dreams
I read your comics as long as I can. I don’t know how long I can see your works, because one day it may turn out that my fucking country will cut off citizens’ access to sites 18+ and others.
I hate him.
We have wasted and lost our history and potential.
In addition, our government already has unlimited power … they want to make elections, despite the threat of a virus.
Citizens do not count for them. The Union will not help us.
In history, we have never been a free nation. Even at home.
Were it not for Churchill’s surrender of Poland to the Soviet Union after World War II, we would be a proud nation and a strong ally for all our neighbors.
Now we are a caricature of our history.
Every day we have less and less freedom.
You’ve created something wonderful.
Don’t stop, don’t get broken.
Thank you for what you create and I hope you will never stop.
P.S. I wanted to write to you personally, but I didn’t have such an opportunity anywhere. It’s hard to find you;)
Hello Michael. Glad to hear you enjoy all the things. Don’t worry, they can never stop you for long, there’s always ways around the blockades 🙂 Plus this site isn’t technically listed as porn, so y’know 😉
We Poles will always find a way to gain some freedom.
Such nature… 😉
Take care of yourself, wash your hands and use face masks.
Somehow we have to wait this nasty period…
Love you and your work 🙂
please end the masks! someone! i sorry but masks are uncofordable!
I ain’t reading all that. is to much for brain, Ls2’s aren’t have biggest brain, to small for big story ;-;
Maybe dats why theirs only one…
There is*
Hrm I wonder if Mis’Alia realises that she said she would know if there was a demon nearby, yet she is let a literal demon into the monastery
She would know.. Because there are no demons in the world of Farelliar. 😉
Just the one outside the Universe that you can see in the sky as little holes in the shell around their star system.
Whoa I love the story. I think this is the the first time I’ve found I enjoy this basically for the characters and the story.
Hi Ferreta I’ve been reading this comic for a while now and decided it was time to just make an account and jump in to the chat.
Hi Ferreta, I have been reading this comic for a year or two now and just never created an account, gonna be honest I stumbled upon this beautiful story by “accident”, I love the story, hate the waiting but love the story. One question though, how long did it take you to create the story? Like the background and the magic?
It’s still being created as we speak, everything just gets developed as I need it, in whatever way I can make it somewhat cohesive 😉 So I guess 5 years so far? :p
At a certain point Vix tells Fen that they had “pregnant girls and daddies here before” while here it said that there was only one incident of a male entering the temple. Which one is true?
Males are not allowed inside the temple proper, but can stay in the tower and hang out in the courtyard. :p
*Nit. Not “not” last paragraph.
Note: this might just be my opinion. Or might not. Idk
Four things I have to say.
1. You state at MAGIC and I quote. “This will usually manifest in the form of miscoloration of parts of their body, for instance a tail with a different color tip than their primary body color.” Vix is one colour. I know you say “usually” but you could add something like a “but not always” or a ” although there are some who… ”
2″.Fenfen Maria Esteban – Can’t imagine that’s her real name, but it’s what she goes by” we know you are hinting at “Fenavi Montaro” so… Why don’t you just say that. It has been out for quite some time.
3. Sha Vida. “Never seen her do any fighting, but she’s always got people around her who are more than capable of handling that.” However in the cave she did have other people fighting but she also fought the tentacle energy things aswell.
4. A bit not picky but think you should add Tildriel as a main character. (But you do you :))
That’s about it. Fav comic love you bye.
How long did it take to put something this series together? I’m racking my brain trying to get a story of my own put together but all the things I think of heyseither forgotten or I’m unable to really put it together as an interesting story…
Hey there Feretta, i’ve been following you for quite a while, never made a account thought.. sorry ^^. first i love your comic, you’re ( besides others of course 😛 ) what makes me keep on drawing an practicing. So thank you for that!
Second, i thought i just try to ask, how did you kick off this comic ( planning and stuff) im talking here now about the story itself… I’m planning on doing a comic myself and got midwhile the basic story and characters. But what interest me is, how did you plann it so that a chapter holds on a while, have you made a script for the whole story did you just make some “checkpoints” and between them you do some “freestyle” ^^. Puh , that gone longer than i expected, hope its readable ;), and for any answer im thank you in advance!
Glad to hear you’re enjoying it. When it comes to planning and setup, you don’t really want to use my approach, I went from a mental image of what I wanted and didn’t really plan ahead at all until chapter 2 started. What you SHOULD do is write a script of at least one chapter, and have an overview of what the comic’s end game should be, where are you planning to take the story in the end.
How you write your script is up to you, of course, I personally use a page/panel style, very roughly describing what each panel should contain per page, and putting down the dialogue so I know what I was thinking at the time. But I also only script like 10 pages ahead, because I work a lot with stream-of-consciousness rather than outright following the plan. 🙂
Youve got an AMAZING thing going here man. Literally found the comic a couple hours ago looking for some…. never mind, but keep it up! cant wait to see what comes next.
moooooooooooo o.o
Only one thing that gets my dander up on this world. Not the magic, not their modesty ideals (you know nudists are a norm), definitely not the anthro races no it’s the age of the current world. I just like worlds that have been around longer than thought to be and I really wish that it was a world around 5,000 years old at least.
But I know that due to the existence of certain thinking relics it’s older than everyone thinks. Just not as it is now. Either way I’m not gonna stop reading the comic over a small part of the Multivers being called young. I know pocket worlds that are only months old but they contain limitless potential to become a new unique world instead of just a storage space. XD
Sorry writer talk there since my character is a Dimensional traveler the Multiverse is a topic he and I think about a lot.
with as long as i have read the comic i never botherd to click on the lore corner tab and now i regret not reading this before the comic. not so confused on a thing or two anymore, yay!
Quick note, FenFen’so name needs to be updated.
Feretta!Your comics and drawings are excellent!Keep it up!:D
Hello there Feretta. I love your art works and your comic. You do a wonderful job so keep up the good work. I was wondering if it would be okay to set one of my characters in the world of Farelliar?
A little embarrassed to admit it, but this is the first time I even took a look at the lore, lol. I love how you give a nice amount of detail on your characters, yet still leave a very nice amount of mystery to them too. 🙂
Like so many other storytellers, it’s a great service to your readers to elaborate on the unspoken details of your comic. I can’t help but wonder if there’s a schedule for updating and expanding the lore, given that new characters are appearing and established ones are…maturing (for lack of a better term)?
You have a really cool universe ^_^ I love it all and I was wondering what type of magic vix has (I probably should know by now or something I’m sorry 🙁
Vix and Fen both use Hadalen (void) magic 🙂
I stumbled into your realm just a few days ago and have read the story with pleasure so far. Soo nice to read a “sexually active” comic without the usual (male) stereotypes – you know the ones where every female have a chest fit for a herd of cows and a libido found only in the fantasies of thirteen old schoolboys.. Just a curious question though – you have one hermafroditic fennek? and one fairly androgynous owl, is it just coincidence or did you have a deeper meaning with this? Just curious about your thoughts on the matter?
The herm fennec certainly isn’t a coincidence, but I don’t see how Red is androgynous, other than having long hair. I mean the guy is HUGE!
Also glad you’re enjoying it. It’s an interesting project for sure, building humanly relatable characters in a sexual setting is challenging. Especially when working with a theme that is widely known for its sexualized stereotypes.
Well, I may have missinterpreted as I was referring to Sha Vida – I know she’s a female but for some reason she strikes me as sort of androgynous.. My bad perhaps..
Glad to see an update as I have been anxious to know more, more, MORE.. 😉
O have to ask, is Meeka’s bow a crossbow or a normal bow with a clock punk style
It’s a compound manual pull bow with a clockwork mechanic that reduces the pull weight, and releases after the pull to increase shot strength. It’s very complicated.. :p
Sounds a little like the bow i have.
I’m important people! <3
You have no idea <3 or maybe you have every idea.
(Hope you’re back soon ;~;)
I knew it. I knew Fenfen was chased out because of her double sexes. It’s kinda sad, but I relate to her because of both these reasons…
ITS ME AGAAIN!!!! I felt like I needed to comment on Vix’s actual name, Vixavil Hadaliv. BEAAAAUUUUTIFUL! I swear if I have a kid that’s what her name would be (not really, but that’d be cool though :D). I am Vix’s number one fan!! Keep up with the amazing work!!!
It’s pretty awkward to pronounce, but the name has a lot of significance. In time, we’ll even learn what it means 😉
I’m sure she’ll be very happy to hear that though, thanks 🙂
Feretta…If I might… I will relate a prime realm creation story to you…Picture a world where art, science, and technology have all blended together in perfect harmony…think of the technology difference between Thors’ Asgard and Earth…Then magnify it a thousand fold…
The people have, through their natural evolution gained the ability to do what we term as magic…This, for them is as automatic as breathing.
they have been at this level of sophistication for thousands of years…
BUT…The greatest minds of their world predicted, literally, a world ending event ( this event was not described ). Even as advanced as they were it could not be stopped…
Desperate times can call for desperate measures…One scientist, whose work in the past had been called fringe science of even outright quackery, proposed an idea ( I must add this note.. That the people and the world had become so intertwined that simply migrating to a suitably habitable world would not work ) that if we can’t stop the cataclysm, why not just sidestep it ? We have the technology, the “magic”, and sufficient energy reserves ( at their stage of development matter and energy are totally interchangeable ) to move our world ( including fire realm and moons )to a different universe…
This is of course, not without extreme risks. (1) All of our buildings and other technology must be converted to energy to fuel the move.(2) The extreme magnetic flux all of us will experience will act like ancient electroshock treatment …We will have very little of our memories left…
To help us past these events ( If we survive at all )I am having a series of these devices ( holds up one of the artifacts )scattered across our world…They will be buried in areas where we will look for natural resources…Even before we recover them they will help push our development back to where we can understand what they will tell us..
The world ( the people ) agreed as one, better to succeed or die trying than to do nothing at all…
At this point the prime realm appears in our universe….
I still have several chapters of the comic to go before it gets to where I start even hinting at what actually happened, but in the meantime, I -do- have 4 million years of Farelliar history ready to go. 😉
Fun theory though.
4 MILLION YEARS!?!?!! I was right ! ( to a degree ) With their capabilities the would be able to make the world look any way they pleased! …Sooo…No more arguments about what happened and how Farelliar got where and how it is now…
Of course there are no arguments about what happened, because I’m the only one who actually knows 😉
Fer…Referencing your tumblr post…Being sick is no fun…You, taking care of you, is the first order of business…( some strains of flu this season are no joke…very nasty!! ) a side effect, this delay will only make your fans want the next installment more…( enforced delayed gratification… don’t ya just love it… ) What am I saying??? I’M IN THAT GROUP!!! But, Fer, in all seriousness, take the time that you need to get well…we will all be here waiting…
As I said heard in rumors of rumors…And those are said to be able to produce enough hot air to sail a ship any where …( GRIN and WINK!! )
But, seriously, I will take your advice and ferret out where he really comes from…( as he walks into a cloud of mist, disappears, and reappears elsewhere…)
Well that was good read! Fits amazingly with the comic. Though, will we meet other magic users instead of Hadalens there?
We will! In fact, we already have 😉 But we haven’t seen it in action yet. We will though.
I’m blind then! Also, pardon the steam thing… I just felt like you were really friendly <.<, I understand if you don't want to add a random purrson commenting on how amazing your art is xD
No worries, I understand the desire, I’m just a very private person, despite my friendly demeanor and eagerness to jump into discussions 🙂 Some call it antisocial, I just call it.. Well, antisocial. :p
D’awww…. Same here, heh. Takes me a while to write these messages believe it or not. I’d just want to talk to you more privately you know hehe >w<. Anyways – it's xmas soon, and want it or not, you would need to add me to steam, otherwise I can't send you any gifts for being such an amazing artist! =O
You can always send me private messages on either tumblr or FA, or even which has a built in mail client 🙂
I’ll consider it, but don’t get your hopes up. And no need for gifts, dear, I hardly have time for games anyway 😉 I appreciate the thought though.
Aww, but you deserve it! *sigh* Okay then. Time to create a tumblr account… *hides from feminists*
Feretta… There is one character I could add, an enigmatic fellow called T’aavan Vex…The only way I can describe him physically is in comparison to Terran feline species..Picture a cross between an African lion and a cheetah…Tall, somewhat slender, body fur is the sand tan of the lion with a mop of soft blond hair on the top of his head, also has facial markings similar to the cheetah. His eyes are golden. like the lion.his tail has a very odd marking pattern.. a black tip with 3 black bands next to it…so I would guess there is some magic ability…
He does not openly carry any weapons, just a staff a little over 2 meters in length…Here it gets interesting…It is rumored that the staff was made for him as a gift for getting a mage out of a very sticky situation…one where magic would not work…The center is wrapped with some form of fish skin ( think shark skin…like the feudal Japanese sword grips ), The tips appear to be bronze in color, about 6 inches long but don’t react as bronze…They are of some metal that is much heavier than bronze or iron and much harder…The wood that makes up the length of the staff is of comparable weight and toughness ( think African iron wood )
This staff would be difficult for the average person or even a soldier of one the realms to use ( Red, simply because of his sheer muscle mass would be comfortable with it ) but T’aavan swings and spins it like a twig…Ergo, he is much stronger than he looks… ( or…either he or the staff is enchanted…maybe both )
It is also said that if he chooses to comment or give advice you should listen…
I forgot to add this…Heard in rumors of rumors…He comes from Stelmar….
I already have a full cast, but if you wanna write stories in Farelliar, I don’t mind at all :p
And believe me, he’s not from Stelmar. 😉 That’s that big red spot in the middle of the map, that’s not been explored because anyone who ever went there were never heard from again.
There are plenty of other secluded areas though, make up a name and roll with it.
I must agree with Kial’Via….avoid at all costs…From an Earth perspective Vitrin magic energy sounds very much like the theoretical zero point energy ( or dark matter energy if you prefer ) Trying to use that !?!?! …I would liken it to trying to plug a 50 amp tap into the Creator of all things…There isn’t a fuse big enough in the ‘verse that would protect you…
Noooot really, Zero point energy is energy pulled from the quantum interactions of space time or energy from the void as it were. in that case it is much more like haladin(?) than vitrin. Also, neither ZPE or what vitrian appears to be have any relation to ‘dark matter’ which is simply matter we (humans of the 21st century) have no way do detect, though it has been postulated that there is an anti gravitational field which lends itself to the graviton theory, but on that I will say no more! either way, what vitrin magic sounds like to me is a tame (or not so tame) singularity of atleast the knot variety, and either way I’d agree… DO NOT TOUCH!
Actually in regards to both of you Citron functions almost exactly like Antimatter where it completely annihilates any and all positive matter (the regular form of amttet that you can find literally anywhere in our universe as its what makes up our universe) that it comes into contact to
God damn it for fucks sake autocorrect stop that I mean t to say Vitrin not Citron!
Okay. You know I always gotta comment on everything. Sorry. Here’s the short version:
Want a longer one?
[end of excerpt] 😀
1: Alright. I’m done watching the news, soo…
2: “It’s a relativels small world”, hu? Looks more like “go big or go home” to me. Which is awesome. I’m sure you’ll have fun coming up with names for 17 continents 😛
3: I like the concept of the realmsphere. It actually sounds more like 4D space to me, with the other spaces overlapping the main realm. Speaking of which, what’s the prime realm shaped like? Is it a planet? A plane? Has anyone ever explored it whole? You said it’s well documented.
4: Since there’s only a few hundred Hadalen mages (>1000) and the temple is inhabited by about 100 of them (=> more than 10%), I imagine it’s quite an important place in the magical world? Does this mean lots of traffic? Because it seemed rather remote in the comic.
5: Also, the use of Hadalen magic depicted here sounds *slightly* like Green Lantern’s powers… But I’m sure you’ll do it better. The possibilites are endless! It should be possible to create some _really_ interesting and dynamic fighting styles with it (combos!).
6: Note for future storylines: I wonder what Mis’alias Vitrin experiments will lead to.
Secondary note: I seriously wonder how many red herrings you threw in here. (Don’t you dare never bringing up Stelmar in the future)
7: Question: “The temple is only open to females, and no male has been allowed entry since the first.. Incident. The young maiden that accompanied her never recovered from the physical nor mental scars..” This “her”. What is it referring to?
8: Suggestion: You should put the temple floor plans on here.
9: I somehow like the idea about the Path… as far as I understand it, it’s about acceptance in the countenance of events you can’t control, and trying to make the best out of it, rather than frustration and resignation? That kind of forward-oriented attitude surely is something people are often lacking in the real world.
10: I bet Fenfen’s real name is full of meaning and prophecy and foreshadowing and stuff.
Talking about names… Vixavil Hadaliv, the incredibly gifted Hadalen mage? I mean, it sounds nice, goes really well off the tongue, but isn’t that a bit simple`:P
…or has she been named like that by Mis BECAUSE of her abilities?
11: Speaking of which… Mis is the one directing continents here? *Very* interesting. I wonder what it leads to.
12: Not much to say about the others – nice to hear Lamb’s full name, haven’t seen that girl in quite a while; I also like that you haven’t forgotten the creepy twins that will surely will maybe be important later on. And of course: Characters we haven’t met yet *gasp*
Draw faster D:
13: Lastly, one word about timelines: You cannot prove that the past existed. The world could’ve just started existing five minutes ago, and even the most vivid memories from _just now_ could be fake.
This used to freak me out a lot when I was a kid.
14: …
I really gotta do something about my commenting addiction.
Plus, asking things separately is more likely to yield satisfying results.
Oh well…
Holy shit that’s longer than I expected.
1: Why would you watch the news? There’s nothing but misery out there D:
2: Considering I came up with 95% of the names in this post on the fly, I probably will have fun with that.
3: I always imagined it as a discworld, honestly, just because discworlds are cool.. But they are also completely nonsensical, scientifically. But I think we’ll go with discworld.. Anyway, it’s not 100% explored, but I’d say like.. 85%.
4: By “a few hundred” I generally mean around 200. At any one given time, new ones are born, old ones fade.. But yes, why do you think the temple is so far out of the way? 😉
5: Slightly, except there are no rings of stupid, and they’re not weak to yellow. Seriously, who the fuck is weak to a color..
6: A fucking ton ;D
7: Misspelling, I meant “him”.
8: True.. I’ll do that later.
9: Correct. More or less.
10: Vix is named as she is because she was named by one of the only two people in the entire realmsphere who has even the slightest clue of what she actually is. ;D How’s THAT for a teaser, huh?
11: Mis does a lot of research, it made sense to include some of her notes.
12: They will play a major role at some point, yeah.
13: Granted. But in this case, they can’t prove that anything existed more than a thousand years ago. The world itself seemed to have literally just popped into existence right at that point. .. Also I prove my existence by continuing to be awesome, so if we didn’t exist five minutes ago.. Damn did I come in rocking ;D
14: It’d help if you at least numbered your stuff so it was respond-to-able.
I may have a fan-gasm right now. You may have noticed.
0. Numbers are awesome. I don’t know how I could forget them. I will include them in the future.
Hey, that means I can structure _EVEN LONGER_ comments! xD 😉
1. If we all die soon(TM) I at least want to know what it is this week as opposed to the last. Also, I’m actually quite interested in economy and politics.
2. I envy your creativity.
3. Discworlds are great. Have you read the discworld novels? They are some of the best pieces of literature out there. Usually I use a nickname derived from- you know I gotta stop right here or this will totally get out of hand.
…that means there’s at least 15% of mystery! \o/
4. Because there only seems to be one (small-ish) path leading to it, because it’s in the mountains and the next settlement is a rather small-ish village, and because Mis fought nature when she initially went there 😛
Although maybe that’s a quite modern take on “out of the way”. I imagine mongolian buddhist temples weren’t quite easy to reach, either, no matter the importance.
5. I know right?
6. *holds sign up that reads “you evil bastard (again)”
7. Thanks for that clarification.
9. It’s religion. There is no right or wrong, only interpretation ^~^
10. Do you at least tell who those people are? I bet Mis is one of them. Is Mis one of them?
13. Nothing to add here.
14. Sorry ^w^
Yes, of course Mis is one of them. Mis named her. 😉
Somehow this is less fun.
But also thanks! That explains something. (And asks a bunch of other things, although we had those questions, anyway.)
*starts reading*
Very interesting, I saw your comic in and i must say, it´s great! the color is awesome and the story is really good, also the sex parts are also very good xD
Thanks! 🙂
You have kinda spread out what the different tail colours (and their powers in the world) do over answers to various comments, and I know you made a spreadsheet or something that covers it, but will you be putting it up here?
I’ll be posting it with the rest of the lore whenever I get around to working on the site again 🙂
I love lore! 😀
Me too!
Lore is awesome and I love writers and artists like you, J.R.R Tolken, Myself, J.K Rowling and Terry Pratchett who go into the nature and reasons things are the way they are in a world. I just love it backstory, world building all of it I love.