Seriously, though. I’ve always liked Meeka’s design. This is really a nice surprise for a perv someone like me. And it comes from such a (mostly) wholesome, sweet place. It’s perfect!
I wouldn’t say it doesn’t matter, personally. It does depend on context and situation though, but generally, age matters because it tends to come with maturity and experience — both of which are super important for consent.
Still, you’re not being a creep about this, so, I take no issue with your opinion!
Meeka has 6 nipples?!
The best part? It’s actually consistent! They were there the last time she was involved in a sex scene.
More of this, please. ♥
Seriously, though. I’ve always liked Meeka’s design. This is really a nice surprise for
a pervsomeone like me. And it comes from such a (mostly) wholesome, sweet place. It’s perfect!Awwww. how the tables have turned. but what I’m wondering is why the flowers specifically where coloured.
Just makes them stand out more.
Wait, now she’s the one with a student-teacher romance
Yep :p But she’s a lot more mature than the barely-legal teen.
Not to be a pedo or racist but they are furries and age usually doesn’t matter.
not correct at all actually… its a common mindset, but not in any way correct.
I wouldn’t say it doesn’t matter, personally. It does depend on context and situation though, but generally, age matters because it tends to come with maturity and experience — both of which are super important for consent.
Still, you’re not being a creep about this, so, I take no issue with your opinion!
You also have to admit that it is a much more relaxed and sex inclusive environment where it isn’t against the rules.