Judging from how long she has been there serving up all that jam to me it looks like the sun is about to go up on some of the angles there…..look soaked up in Jam or whatever i’d still give her a hug after that. Also im preeeety sure that she may wanna vissit a certain roomate of hers after a quick shower HAHA XD
I kinda liked the pyro, she seemed the most sensible out of the bad guys. Hope that one’s alright so we can get another Tildriel. Except this one will have half as many limbs lol
Feretta said it’s a guy in the comments on her FA page a few pages back. But it seems everyone thinks it’s a girl. Honestly I did, too. And considering the type of slavers they were, I doubt they would have a female among their ranks that’s not a slave.
True and like I said the only one I did see people saying he or she was that goat but hey either way boy or girl characters feretta has a way to really draw you in and feel a situation Ina story a sign of a really really good artist/story teller.
Just so it’s not taken wrong way I’m complementing ferettas work 😉
I love Fen in this moment as she shows she still cares for her friend and loses the smart arse part of herself for a bit to instead talk to her friend in a calm and kind manner to snap her out of it.
Nice to finally see you back at the comic. (also I just made this account but have recently been rereading the comic because the lore IS JUST TOO GOOD)
I do belive if memory serves me right feretta did twords one of the beginnings of a chapter there is a explanation of magic and usage for them or at least the ones that exist in fens world.
4th panel, because of the trail of jam on her cheek, kinda makes Morgan look like she’s smirking at Fen’s comment. Works either way, serious or smirk. 🙂
Welp, guess that’s done
Also, concerning my comments on the past page, i have quite the question, if hadalen can become anything as long as it obey’s the laws of physics and the caster knows its properties, how it works, etc, could the caster make smoke, force the enemy to inhale it, then cut off their respiratory shit? or inject hadalen into the opponent’s bloodstream through a wound then stop their heart?
I should also point out, even what Lamb did with the knife in the panther’s shoulder, where she maintained and controlled it without physical contact, requires incredible skill with the arts.
also one last question, can one have multiple focuses in lets say, the same arm? like a bunch of lines in like, tribal fashion, at the end of the arm, in the colors of each focus (except hadalen i guess)?
I’d wager that so little of her is currently there right now that talking isn’t within the realm of possibility. She’s likely on a pretty long emotional rollercoaster, give her a few minutes (at the very least, maybe even hours/days) to finish the ride and she’ll be talking again. Regardless, she’s gonna need more than a medkit to be OK.
Anything short*
I hope the penguin is still alive… and that he doesn’t decide to move unless Lamb gets completely calm.
Names Morgan, “Lamb” was the slavers pet name for her. Only good slaver is a dead slaver
huh apparently I got that wrong
Hmmm strange the looks on there faces looks like none of them have scene someone killed that or like one dead guy laying there is creeping them out.
Judging from how long she has been there serving up all that jam to me it looks like the sun is about to go up on some of the angles there…..look soaked up in Jam or whatever i’d still give her a hug after that. Also im preeeety sure that she may wanna vissit a certain roomate of hers after a quick shower HAHA XD
Tbh I think some of the lighting is from the fire outside and lights in the cave
I kinda liked the pyro, she seemed the most sensible out of the bad guys. Hope that one’s alright so we can get another Tildriel. Except this one will have half as many limbs lol
I mean it did look like she nearly got cut in half but hey, technology is magical and the magic is technological
I Wouldn’t say she was only one sensible there is at least three that I would say are.
no one said she had to loose a arm.
Feretta said it’s a guy in the comments on her FA page a few pages back. But it seems everyone thinks it’s a girl. Honestly I did, too. And considering the type of slavers they were, I doubt they would have a female among their ranks that’s not a slave.
You mean on this site I might remember that or something similar to that hmmm don’t remember it’s on here though right .
Btw alot of people wear calling the goat he and she and all that perhaps that’s where I am getting this confused from.
Pretty sure it wasn’t on here. But she may have said it here, too, somewhere? Didn’t help that no one said he or she about either character. lol
I like the idea of the fire user being a girl, tho. It would add a layer of twisted depth to the slaver’s gang.
True and like I said the only one I did see people saying he or she was that goat but hey either way boy or girl characters feretta has a way to really draw you in and feel a situation Ina story a sign of a really really good artist/story teller.
Just so it’s not taken wrong way I’m complementing ferettas work 😉
Hmmm what fa page do you remember?
if she survives and is handed over to Mis… I can bet Mis would like that she was a female as well
Maybe she is like fen
I love Fen in this moment as she shows she still cares for her friend and loses the smart arse part of herself for a bit to instead talk to her friend in a calm and kind manner to snap her out of it.
Nice to finally see you back at the comic. (also I just made this account but have recently been rereading the comic because the lore IS JUST TOO GOOD)
Also can you give me a ranking of all the elements? (Like power wise)
I do belive if memory serves me right feretta did twords one of the beginnings of a chapter there is a explanation of magic and usage for them or at least the ones that exist in fens world.
4th panel, because of the trail of jam on her cheek, kinda makes Morgan look like she’s smirking at Fen’s comment. Works either way, serious or smirk. 🙂
Head count who’s hurt or alive hehehe 🙂
Welp, guess that’s done
Also, concerning my comments on the past page, i have quite the question, if hadalen can become anything as long as it obey’s the laws of physics and the caster knows its properties, how it works, etc, could the caster make smoke, force the enemy to inhale it, then cut off their respiratory shit? or inject hadalen into the opponent’s bloodstream through a wound then stop their heart?
stop or puncture their organs i mean
Technically possible, but extremely hard to do. Requires immense knowledge and understanding of physics, flow and a myriad of other things.
I should also point out, even what Lamb did with the knife in the panther’s shoulder, where she maintained and controlled it without physical contact, requires incredible skill with the arts.
Yeah i can see why, yet still hadalen has an astonishing ammount of potential
also one last question, can one have multiple focuses in lets say, the same arm? like a bunch of lines in like, tribal fashion, at the end of the arm, in the colors of each focus (except hadalen i guess)?
No, each limb can only handle one type.
By this logic, hadalen can create an incredibly thin yet incredibly sharp object like a razor with the thickness of a single sheet of paper
Honestly I figured she was gonna go into full slaughter but then again that would be more bloody.
Any bets that Morgan will be going into healer mode, and will be healing the girls that got banged up.
She’s a Hadalen mage, she doesn’t know healing magic :p
Forgot that Hadalens did not do healing, though would not be surprised, if she hasn’t stashed a medkit somewhere close.👍
A little surprised she didn’t say anything but I guess she’s trying to cool her temper
Bear jam in her mouth.
I’d wager that so little of her is currently there right now that talking isn’t within the realm of possibility. She’s likely on a pretty long emotional rollercoaster, give her a few minutes (at the very least, maybe even hours/days) to finish the ride and she’ll be talking again. Regardless, she’s gonna need more than a medkit to be OK.
Nothing short of a heart felt hug is gonna be of use in her situation