Enter Lamb of Destruction.
Just for the sake of it, I’ll repeat the content warning for the next 6 or so pages that someone’s gonna be having some of their blood removed from them.
Enter Lamb of Destruction.
Just for the sake of it, I’ll repeat the content warning for the next 6 or so pages that someone’s gonna be having some of their blood removed from them.
the goat “oh your strong, fast and know some martial arts and magic…. me? i have a magic gun…. that beats everything you have”
everyone else “not in this world”
Fen was instructed not to let her get killed… and she is behind him. Yes she is protecting the hostages, but they are now outside the cave where she has… room. ^,^and the ability to help Lamb.
“…see where it goes.”
I don’t think he’ll be able to see where it goes: the sun don’t shine there, & even though he’s apparently got his head rather firmly lodged there, I don’t think he can see in the dark.
Go Lamb go!
Oh my fuckmothering god it just hit me that that guy’s literally a pedobear.
Only one someone and only some of their blood? That doesn’t bode well for Lamb….
Why do they have this dude as a boss?? He’s just gonna get them all killed, holy cow XD
I mean they deserve it for doing this job, granted, but at this point he’s embarrassingly blind. But hey, he thinks raping a kid is okay, so I guess that tracks.
Gosh. It’s a miracle she still likes sex.
As usual, the page looks gorgeous, with an extra cool shot on Morgan’s eyes and contrast with the fire in the background ^_^
This is why she’s a nymphomaniac now, in fact. One of those scars she still bears.
That is soul crushing
See, that makes sense. As sad as it is, complete rejection or the other extreme is totally how it can go with, uh, equally extreme trauma.
Thanks! That definitely answers it ^^ She needs more hugs.
He’s trying to make her react without thinking giving the goat the upper edge against her. I am hoping Fen is listening and helps.
Why do they have this dude as a boss?? He’s just gonna get them all killed, holy cow XD
I mean they deserve it for doing this job, granted, but at this point he’s embarrassingly blind. But hey, he thinks raping a kid is okay, so I guess that tracks.
Gosh. It’s a miracle she still likes sex.
As usual, the page looks gorgeous, with an extra cool shot on Morgan’s eyes and contrast with the fire in the background ^_^
Nnn’no idea why my comment appeared twice when I submitted it.
Oh well! Sorry about that: please ignore this. XD
I like the concept of being able to use energy crystals in weapons, like a gun. I presume that Solarin crystals are used the most because of how destructive and awesome they are.
Someone give that guy a shovel, cause he’s digging his own grave.
Not to be that guy, but art of Morgan getting railed by a bunch of guys would be pretty hot, sans the rack of course.
When willing, yes. Issue is she was five at the time.
Uuugh that’s fucked up
I just.. *SHUDDERS*
For reference, what is Morgan’s current age? How long ago did this happen to her?
Also, I know you’ve said before that the characters’ ages are smaller, but that’s because they grow faster in this world. Is that ‘five’ in literal years for them, or is that translated to equivalent human biological age?
Of course, even if that’s “before translation”, the conversion ratio seems to be 18/10 according to this comment you wrote, which turns 5 years old into 9, which isn’t any less horrifying.
That bear deserves death, and even if Morgan gets shot by the goat, Fen will be there to finish the job instead.
About 15 or so years ago.
Also you are correct about the conversion rate.
In my favorite book series there is something like this, but I love the series because it focuses on the healing and so much more
Healing, for Lamb, comes after ridding the world of the stain that is Tamusa.
I vote Red Text bails and leaves his sick rapist fuck boss to Morgan.
Red text is the female Solarian Mage.
I vote she gets subdue’d and for her crimes is forced to teach Solarian magic while unable to harm others.
Thinking on that I am quite sure Mis could subdue and arrange something
So much this
I’m waiting to see what Morgan does to the overgrown bear-cub with too much attitude. I’d like to help…
Come to think of it, he might be trying to get her so riled up, she makes mistakes. Somehow, though, I think even her mistakes are gonna be lethal to someone.
Morgan has gone Bear-sarkergang. Everyone outside of Fens wall will be goblets
She’s gone crazy now don’t know who’s all there but she looks like she gonna get panther and goat.
You may mean “gobbets” as in “gobbets (ragged bits) of torn flesh.” (Autoincorrect want to change that to “goblets” so, yeah…)