“Breast growth in pregnancy may be rapid during the early weeks, or the size may increase gradually,” explains Dr Jacqueline Kent, a leading lactation researcher at the University of Western Australia. “Every woman is different. Your breasts might not actually grow much until shortly before – or even after – the birth. But if you’re wondering how much breasts grow during pregnancy in total, by the time your milk comes in they’re likely to be almost one-and-half times bigger than before you became pregnant!”
↑ References to official studies included!
Essentially it depends on the woman, but breast size can absolutely increase as a result of pregnancy. In my case I knew of this because my mother told me about this, but your comment prompted me to double-check, as she ain’t the authority when it comes to how pregnancy affects people.
Lifestyle is a factor too, a friend’s breasts got smaller after she started working out with her boyfriend (I’m not talking about sexual activity in this case).
That’s a pretty odd thing to get uncomfortable over, what are they, upset that their favorite sex object is actually a biological entity?
Other than that I’m genuinely curious as to what about pregnancy makes people uncomfortable
Possibly, but you can’t make everyone happy anyway. I mean, there’s some people still not okay with the fact that Fen amd Vix can have sex with people outside of their couple, so clearly, Feretta shouldn’t and hadn’t stopped plot points just because of an audience opinion.
Nobody other than myself were uncomfortable with it, and I was uncomfortable with some people getting really creepy-weird about it. Either way, we did the thing, and now we don’t need to do more of it :p
Well I mean, she’s living with like, A LOT of other women, some of whom are likely skilled in that area.. She probably asked some of her friends and got a few pointers
Kek, this is awesome. I got a toon named Hummina Hummina in eve. https://evewho.com/character/93811871
It appears that Vix has the power to cause Fen’s eyelids to turn invisible, thus making her at least 3 times as adorable.
And a shout-out to Ralph Kramden… Jackie, you are missed.
Ooof that statement on the last panel…
La petite mort…
is it just me or did vix’s breasts get bigger?
pregnancy does that. What do you think the kids have been getting fed considering I doubt there’s much of a Similac or Baby Food industry…
i have had many kids and my breast size did not change at all…. so i question that is the reason
Not to be rude and you don’t have to answer but what is your size
that is super rude and creepy
I did say you don’t have to answer.
“Breast growth in pregnancy may be rapid during the early weeks, or the size may increase gradually,” explains Dr Jacqueline Kent, a leading lactation researcher at the University of Western Australia. “Every woman is different. Your breasts might not actually grow much until shortly before – or even after – the birth. But if you’re wondering how much breasts grow during pregnancy in total, by the time your milk comes in they’re likely to be almost one-and-half times bigger than before you became pregnant!”
↑ References to official studies included!
Essentially it depends on the woman, but breast size can absolutely increase as a result of pregnancy. In my case I knew of this because my mother told me about this, but your comment prompted me to double-check, as she ain’t the authority when it comes to how pregnancy affects people.
Figured I should at least point this out, is all.
Aww, the link broke. :/
Well, the name of the article was “Breast changes from pregnancy to weaning” on Medela.
Now I’m wondering how my gf’s grow nearly a full size even tho she was 22
Lifestyle is a factor too, a friend’s breasts got smaller after she started working out with her boyfriend (I’m not talking about sexual activity in this case).
I knew about that, but then I’ve also heard that they can kinda seem to shrivel or deflate a bit after the milk dries up.
You can’t be serious.
So is this the way to have where no more pregnancy featured in comic, because it was making some viewers uncomfortable?
That’s a pretty odd thing to get uncomfortable over, what are they, upset that their favorite sex object is actually a biological entity?
Other than that I’m genuinely curious as to what about pregnancy makes people uncomfortable
Idk either though i do remember when it was first announced it didn’t go over well with some of the audience
Possibly, but you can’t make everyone happy anyway. I mean, there’s some people still not okay with the fact that Fen amd Vix can have sex with people outside of their couple, so clearly, Feretta shouldn’t and hadn’t stopped plot points just because of an audience opinion.
Nobody other than myself were uncomfortable with it, and I was uncomfortable with some people getting really creepy-weird about it. Either way, we did the thing, and now we don’t need to do more of it :p
Noice ^_^
Good job going through it then — ’twas an adorable series of pages — and thanks for the specification!
Creepy-weird how?
Vix sure knows how to dress~
Welp. The term “smoldering” definitely comes to mind, here.
Funny. Vix was once relatively innocent. Now? She’s a mistress of seduction.
Well I mean, she’s living with like, A LOT of other women, some of whom are likely skilled in that area.. She probably asked some of her friends and got a few pointers
Of course those two were gonna go back at it like rabbits lol
Nothing like derailing Fen’s train of thought