So here’s a question. Cronin can be extended to healing. How much can the core focus of a magic type be extended? What could you do with Solarin besides burning things? Light seems to be part of it, could you use Solarin to create illusions? Could Aqanin be used to make ice, or simply lower temperatures? Are there any way such to use any of them for some sort of divination, such as using Avin to read air currents or Cronin to identify properties of a plant?
– Avin has temperature and air control.
– Cronin can control the growth of organic matter, which was extended to encompass increasing healing speed, which was further extended to actually slow down people’s entire body, it’s somewhat a logical progression.
– Aqanin can create water, lightning and ice, depending on where you extract the essence from, along with whatever flexibility you can find from that. It’s widely considered the most flexible of the elemental forms.
– Solarin lights shit on fire.
Common for all of them is that they don’t control the natural elements themselves, they conjure essence, which in turn can either form the element or be infused into things.
Hello, I love your Art style and this comic. All the characters look so awesome and the world they live in is also fantastic. I love how the fur contrast shows which magic forms they can use. I whonder if you have an character that can use all magic forms. I know her/his magic will propably not be verry strong since the different forms would need to share the power but it would still be really cool and that character could use such peerless magic. I’m sure she/he would look amaizing. ^^
And Vix have any magic or any potentional? I don’t see any colour that would match the element. Just to understand this lore, she’s not yellow neither red so she can’t control fire… she’s not blue so.. not even watter.. no ground colors.. no air colours, so she’s just a normal person in that world? So just coloured species have a potentional or have directly this power to control it? it depends on the color of fur your hands or tail is? Hmm.. what if the person is born with a variety of colors? Like they have diffrent color fur on both hands? (One hand white the other black for example)
It is explained in first panel…
You can wield multiple forms (wchich means different elements as far as I know) but total power will be still 100%.
For example you can have 100% solarin (fire) having tail and arms tipped red or yellow or orange.
You can have solarin (fire) and aquanin (water and apparently also lightning) by having one hand red and other blue or red hands and blue tipped tail. Total power will be still 100% which means 50% fire 50% water or 75% fire and 25% water.
Apparently it’s a bit different with Hadalen which is more power hungry.
So they are created so the rock can keep the people on it alive it also clears it up a bit
I assume avin keeps the atmosphere in the right place which makes the fact that there is only air on the top make more sense
Can the max bandwidth be trained to be higher?
Ohhhhh the orbital network in 5-37 these are just more of them!
On the board in 5-43 there are all the orbs meaning this was the second last one to be constructed and the bealin (the white one) was the last
Fer have you had this figured out for more than a year?
As a rule, “Magic” is an extension of the user’s soul. In most mythological models this allows for some classification based on the moral compass of the caster, in literature it sets limits and utility in a nice compact manner. White/Black (or Light/Dark or True/Fallen) aka magic polarity is generally defined by the intent of the user while strength and resilience of the spell is determined on the user’s inherent traits.
Alternatively, think of magic as an avatar. The raw resources to do whatever the spell does still comes from you, the magic is just you in a different form. And just as your physical energy can be expended (and should that happen completely you would die) your magical energy can be expended/taxed to the limit.
Feretta has (so far) indicated something similar but not quite the same. Best IRL model I can think of is Nations Parent Culture (american indian medicine men, specifically Iroquois/Cherokee). Magic is an extension of the land’s soul, not your own. This allows for more constancy and removes inherent polarity (and since I haven’t seen magic polarity in Feretta’s work yet I ould seem to be on track so far). It also changes the fuel tank from personal to universal, which means you have to add a bottleneck somewhere. Well, that or have the whole “I’m using so much magic there’s no power left for you” thing which trust me is a mess. Also Feretta already confirmed the “maximum bandwith” bit so the bottleneck has to be personal. Hence it would have to be less of a drain and more of a burnout, but there’s no reason the two can’t have the same external effect (like fen’s apparent exhaustion after the barn fire)
Feretta, how am I doing? I research a lot of magic/supernatural models and there are generally accepted rules even for magic, you put a little bit of a twist on those rules.
Also speaking of the barn fire can we tlk about Hadalen and what exactly Fen and Vix did to put out a fire? Based on what I’ve seen Hadalen used for so far it doesn’t really work…
The barn thing was before I really figured out how it was gonna work, but the idea was they smothered the fire with Hadalen essence, since Hadalen isn’t very good at creating liquids. That whole scene was awkwardly done and will be rewritten completely when I go back and start over.
There’s no magic polarity, the “magic” of Farelliar is limited by the physical capabilities of the wielder, and the source does not choose sides.
My rules won’t really fit with what is “generally accepted”, ‘cuz this is my own take on things, and as we’ve seen, it’s less magic and more supertech that’s been twisted into being treated as magic.
So, let us imagine a world where is a little thing called ‘magic’.
The thing is, there is nothing supernatural about it: nothing of that ‘soul’ bullshite – zero, zilch, nada.
It is a part of nature, and follows simple but strict rules. Such rules can be misunderstood easely, of course, and that may lead to disaster – but magic itself is always neutral, like gravity or electromagnetism: it simply does what it does.
The thing is – magic in that world can’t be wielded by person directly (at least at the moment the story takes place). It must be channeled through special artifacts, crafted by trained personnel. Mind you – using such artifacts, and crafting them are two very different things. Most people of that world now can use such conveniently crafted tools, but very few can do that expertly, and people who craft thouse things almost never among the master users.
But even said master users can’t use magic to influence the world directly – they need conduits to do so: golems, simulacrums, and such. This can be mitigated by ‘moving’ the object into the ‘Aether’ – the magical realm. Well, not moving per se, but rather creating a reflection of it; and while a reflection of a sword is nearly useless in Aether, reflection of a book holds nearly as much power and significance as the book itself – if not more – for, you see, scientia potentia est. Master Users do so by using arcane languages, never used by any living person; and maintain their control over powerful entities, trapped inside the artifacts for servitude eternal, through sacred mysteries and rituals, knowledge of which lies above and beyond the world of common people – for Aether Realm permeates everything, but is imperceptible and obscure to them.
There are, of course, some who want to use their mastery of Aether to gain profit through suffering of others, but they can be dealt with simply by limiting their access to artifacts. At least in theory.
There are, also, a dream/nightmare of fusing a living person with an artifact, creating first true Mage – but this only a tell tale, at least so far.
Or so we are told…
Welcome to the far realm of Sol III, known among some locals as Earth, and its ubiquitous IT industry; enjoy your stay.
Also, “generally accepted rules for magic” is an oxymoron.
What I’m getting is that magic in this world uses a bit of energy from the actual wielder to open up a chanel from the celestial body that then allows a much larger amount of energy to be expelled through the user. Am I correct; and if so, is there also some for of magic that hasn’t been discussed yet which allows you to draw on the energy of others much like dark magic (Not Hadalen), and if this power does exist in the realm how exactly would it work? Could it possibly be along the lines of somebody who is not born with any focus being able to steal and in turn somewhat infuse themselves temporarily with a power though not as strong due to the lack of focus? Sorry, I just really enjoy this story and can’t help but theorize a bit.
1: Think of it like a wifi connection, where you have a maximum bandwidth.
2: There’s no vampirism magic, but any mage could in theory use someone else’s essence of the same type as themselves once it’s summoned. It’s not a common tactic though, over just summoning your own.
Hm, ok. So is it actually possible to drain/kill yourself/pass out from using it too much? I remember seeing Fen looking rather worn out after putting out that barn fire so obviously there is some sort of draw from the user itself.
for a while i couldn’t decide,but your definitely a dude,
How come you suddenly decided?
Thank you Feretta, you were the first person I actually followed to see your work, and I thank myself for making this decision
Plus, I’m Brazilian, so … A big save from Brazil!
Wow, did no one really say “iiiitty bitty living space”? *smh*
Loving the lesson! This is a fascinating magic system.
So here’s a question. Cronin can be extended to healing. How much can the core focus of a magic type be extended? What could you do with Solarin besides burning things? Light seems to be part of it, could you use Solarin to create illusions? Could Aqanin be used to make ice, or simply lower temperatures? Are there any way such to use any of them for some sort of divination, such as using Avin to read air currents or Cronin to identify properties of a plant?
– Avin has temperature and air control.
– Cronin can control the growth of organic matter, which was extended to encompass increasing healing speed, which was further extended to actually slow down people’s entire body, it’s somewhat a logical progression.
– Aqanin can create water, lightning and ice, depending on where you extract the essence from, along with whatever flexibility you can find from that. It’s widely considered the most flexible of the elemental forms.
– Solarin lights shit on fire.
Common for all of them is that they don’t control the natural elements themselves, they conjure essence, which in turn can either form the element or be infused into things.
Hello, I love your Art style and this comic. All the characters look so awesome and the world they live in is also fantastic. I love how the fur contrast shows which magic forms they can use. I whonder if you have an character that can use all magic forms. I know her/his magic will propably not be verry strong since the different forms would need to share the power but it would still be really cool and that character could use such peerless magic. I’m sure she/he would look amaizing. ^^
I don’t have a rainbow mage, no 🙂 It’d be a bit too, ah.. Clown-y I think :p
Your decision, it would be cute though. Your Comic is great anyway ^^.
But If you ever make one that would be great.
I would try to draw one but I can only draw animals not furrys xD.
And Vix have any magic or any potentional? I don’t see any colour that would match the element. Just to understand this lore, she’s not yellow neither red so she can’t control fire… she’s not blue so.. not even watter.. no ground colors.. no air colours, so she’s just a normal person in that world? So just coloured species have a potentional or have directly this power to control it?
Vix is a Hadalen mage, black. This has been established from the onset :p
When are you gonna tell us what allows her to use powers without an actual focus?
Later. :p
That was quite enlightening. it depends on the color of fur your hands or tail is? Hmm.. what if the person is born with a variety of colors? Like they have diffrent color fur on both hands? (One hand white the other black for example)
It is explained in first panel…
You can wield multiple forms (wchich means different elements as far as I know) but total power will be still 100%.
For example you can have 100% solarin (fire) having tail and arms tipped red or yellow or orange.
You can have solarin (fire) and aquanin (water and apparently also lightning) by having one hand red and other blue or red hands and blue tipped tail. Total power will be still 100% which means 50% fire 50% water or 75% fire and 25% water.
Apparently it’s a bit different with Hadalen which is more power hungry.
And white is big NO NO. Nobody wields Vitrin. There was one person that was consumed by it and basically created apocalypse.
So basically it determines on the color of ur fur
So they are created so the rock can keep the people on it alive it also clears it up a bit
I assume avin keeps the atmosphere in the right place which makes the fact that there is only air on the top make more sense
Can the max bandwidth be trained to be higher?
Cronin makes seeds grow? Does it spread a fertiliser through the air?
Ohhhhh the orbital network in 5-37 these are just more of them!
On the board in 5-43 there are all the orbs meaning this was the second last one to be constructed and the bealin (the white one) was the last
Fer have you had this figured out for more than a year?
The orbs have been there since the first age, yes. And yes, this has been a thing for about 6 years :p
As a rule, “Magic” is an extension of the user’s soul. In most mythological models this allows for some classification based on the moral compass of the caster, in literature it sets limits and utility in a nice compact manner. White/Black (or Light/Dark or True/Fallen) aka magic polarity is generally defined by the intent of the user while strength and resilience of the spell is determined on the user’s inherent traits.
Alternatively, think of magic as an avatar. The raw resources to do whatever the spell does still comes from you, the magic is just you in a different form. And just as your physical energy can be expended (and should that happen completely you would die) your magical energy can be expended/taxed to the limit.
Feretta has (so far) indicated something similar but not quite the same. Best IRL model I can think of is Nations Parent Culture (american indian medicine men, specifically Iroquois/Cherokee). Magic is an extension of the land’s soul, not your own. This allows for more constancy and removes inherent polarity (and since I haven’t seen magic polarity in Feretta’s work yet I ould seem to be on track so far). It also changes the fuel tank from personal to universal, which means you have to add a bottleneck somewhere. Well, that or have the whole “I’m using so much magic there’s no power left for you” thing which trust me is a mess. Also Feretta already confirmed the “maximum bandwith” bit so the bottleneck has to be personal. Hence it would have to be less of a drain and more of a burnout, but there’s no reason the two can’t have the same external effect (like fen’s apparent exhaustion after the barn fire)
Feretta, how am I doing? I research a lot of magic/supernatural models and there are generally accepted rules even for magic, you put a little bit of a twist on those rules.
Also speaking of the barn fire can we tlk about Hadalen and what exactly Fen and Vix did to put out a fire? Based on what I’ve seen Hadalen used for so far it doesn’t really work…
The barn thing was before I really figured out how it was gonna work, but the idea was they smothered the fire with Hadalen essence, since Hadalen isn’t very good at creating liquids. That whole scene was awkwardly done and will be rewritten completely when I go back and start over.
There’s no magic polarity, the “magic” of Farelliar is limited by the physical capabilities of the wielder, and the source does not choose sides.
My rules won’t really fit with what is “generally accepted”, ‘cuz this is my own take on things, and as we’ve seen, it’s less magic and more supertech that’s been twisted into being treated as magic.
So, let us imagine a world where is a little thing called ‘magic’.
The thing is, there is nothing supernatural about it: nothing of that ‘soul’ bullshite – zero, zilch, nada.
It is a part of nature, and follows simple but strict rules. Such rules can be misunderstood easely, of course, and that may lead to disaster – but magic itself is always neutral, like gravity or electromagnetism: it simply does what it does.
The thing is – magic in that world can’t be wielded by person directly (at least at the moment the story takes place). It must be channeled through special artifacts, crafted by trained personnel. Mind you – using such artifacts, and crafting them are two very different things. Most people of that world now can use such conveniently crafted tools, but very few can do that expertly, and people who craft thouse things almost never among the master users.
But even said master users can’t use magic to influence the world directly – they need conduits to do so: golems, simulacrums, and such. This can be mitigated by ‘moving’ the object into the ‘Aether’ – the magical realm. Well, not moving per se, but rather creating a reflection of it; and while a reflection of a sword is nearly useless in Aether, reflection of a book holds nearly as much power and significance as the book itself – if not more – for, you see, scientia potentia est. Master Users do so by using arcane languages, never used by any living person; and maintain their control over powerful entities, trapped inside the artifacts for servitude eternal, through sacred mysteries and rituals, knowledge of which lies above and beyond the world of common people – for Aether Realm permeates everything, but is imperceptible and obscure to them.
There are, of course, some who want to use their mastery of Aether to gain profit through suffering of others, but they can be dealt with simply by limiting their access to artifacts. At least in theory.
There are, also, a dream/nightmare of fusing a living person with an artifact, creating first true Mage – but this only a tell tale, at least so far.
Or so we are told…
Welcome to the far realm of Sol III, known among some locals as Earth, and its ubiquitous IT industry; enjoy your stay.
Also, “generally accepted rules for magic” is an oxymoron.
“cronin mages can control plants”
Tree dragon, name checks out. :p
What I’m getting is that magic in this world uses a bit of energy from the actual wielder to open up a chanel from the celestial body that then allows a much larger amount of energy to be expelled through the user. Am I correct; and if so, is there also some for of magic that hasn’t been discussed yet which allows you to draw on the energy of others much like dark magic (Not Hadalen), and if this power does exist in the realm how exactly would it work? Could it possibly be along the lines of somebody who is not born with any focus being able to steal and in turn somewhat infuse themselves temporarily with a power though not as strong due to the lack of focus? Sorry, I just really enjoy this story and can’t help but theorize a bit.
1: Think of it like a wifi connection, where you have a maximum bandwidth.
2: There’s no vampirism magic, but any mage could in theory use someone else’s essence of the same type as themselves once it’s summoned. It’s not a common tactic though, over just summoning your own.
Hm, ok. So is it actually possible to drain/kill yourself/pass out from using it too much? I remember seeing Fen looking rather worn out after putting out that barn fire so obviously there is some sort of draw from the user itself.
You’re very unlikely to kill yourself from pushing yourself too far, but it does drain your stamina pretty fast if you’re overcharging the connection.