I just joined to ask this question. I don’t know if you take suggestions but if you do I feel like Mika a.k.a. the jackass and Fen really did love each other so I feel like that if you brought him back to maybe help Fen learn to control her powers and figure out who her family is. I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration I really think that he can be brought back into the story as maybe even a support character.
Bye the way I love the comic can’t wait to see what has yet to come.
Sorry I ment Baren I think that’s him, the one who was there when she was at her moms funeral to keep her company and the way that he stude up for Fen when she was getting picked on by Piris. I feel that at the time he really did love her. If he didn’t, then he wouldn’t of done something like that.
Just for this one, I felt like I had to make an account. Just so I could write this. For the leaps you made over the last few weeks on detailing has impressed me tons. and this weeks page shows how well you work the different angles. Much praise I Give ^^ Looking forward to see where the story goes from here. I compared it to other night scenes from previous chapters. Always the great artist you been. followed your work since chapter Two page 4. Excellent work. keep up entertainment 😛
P.S. Can’t wait to see the next F-scene with this level of detailing.
Wow, this put some questions up, nice nice nice, more interest, like more than ever, don’t have the words to says so.
I just joined to ask this question. I don’t know if you take suggestions but if you do I feel like Mika a.k.a. the jackass and Fen really did love each other so I feel like that if you brought him back to maybe help Fen learn to control her powers and figure out who her family is. I hope you will take my suggestion into consideration I really think that he can be brought back into the story as maybe even a support character.
Bye the way I love the comic can’t wait to see what has yet to come.
Fen loves V now, plus she’s going to be a mother… and bringing him back I think would cause more wounds than healing.
Mika? You mean the old blacksmith that boned Fen’s mom? ‘cuz.. That don’t work :p I assume you mean Baren, though, and we’ll see what happens.
Sorry I ment Baren I think that’s him, the one who was there when she was at her moms funeral to keep her company and the way that he stude up for Fen when she was getting picked on by Piris. I feel that at the time he really did love her. If he didn’t, then he wouldn’t of done something like that.
…feretta…i can’t believe that mis’alla made a mistake with fen but what was the mistake she made feretta
We don’t know yet, you’ll have to wait and find out. No page this weekend, though.
I see well then I shall wait until the new page comes out and i might read the other chapters in case I missed something feretta
I am willing to bet that she is her mother… She faked her death… Reason currently unknown.
And somehow changed bodys… Cuz thats a thing dragons can do???
That would be silly :p
I thought her father gave her to her mother and that we haven’t seen her birthmother.
Son Of a BITCH! My shoulder hurts and I want a magical rub down too! Where do I sign up?
Is she feeling regret for making her student face her past?
We don’t know yet ;D
at this moment your avatar fits you sooooo well do you know that :p
Just for this one, I felt like I had to make an account. Just so I could write this. For the leaps you made over the last few weeks on detailing has impressed me tons. and this weeks page shows how well you work the different angles. Much praise I Give ^^ Looking forward to see where the story goes from here. I compared it to other night scenes from previous chapters. Always the great artist you been. followed your work since chapter Two page 4. Excellent work. keep up entertainment 😛
P.S. Can’t wait to see the next F-scene with this level of detailing.
Years of work is paying off, that’s for sure :3
NOOOOO! Don’t say that! That means stuff will go wrong!
I don’t like were this is going… ;-;
Or did she mean stuff already went wrong?
I’m hoping the mistakes were of the kind where she should not have sent her off like that without a more experienced escort for her and V.
Made, not will make 😉