Fer..I am making an assumption here(please correct me if I’m wrong)that the look of this page is due to an equipment/software upgrade. It looks fantastic!! To my eyes, the color shading much better, shadows and lighting have increased depth. If this is simply a style change on your part my praise still holds. Just more so. Keep ’em coming! The next contest will be yours!!!
you would be on your arse too if you had just dodged about 50 metric tons of rock falling at your head! Fen threw herself backwards(if you didn’t notice) to keep from being flattened like a bug..
Fer..I am making an assumption here(please correct me if I’m wrong)that the look of this page is due to an equipment/software upgrade. It looks fantastic!! To my eyes, the color shading much better, shadows and lighting have increased depth. If this is simply a style change on your part my praise still holds. Just more so. Keep ’em coming! The next contest will be yours!!!
It’s neither a tool upgrade nor a style change, it’s just my brain actually working this weekend :p What a difference it makes, huh?
Fen really doesn’t like walking much does she? She gets tired quickly.
you would be on your arse too if you had just dodged about 50 metric tons of rock falling at your head! Fen threw herself backwards(if you didn’t notice) to keep from being flattened like a bug..
I think he meant in general 😉
Normally she doesn’t mind it, seems like something’s up with her. Or someone kept her up.. 😉
Shes not an amatuer… to get winded from so long ago is weak. :p
My new favorite page.
Mine too 😀