The majority of pressure is on the harder and more solid interior arms, whilst the softer exterior arms are to soften the pull. Look, it just works, okay? :p Don’t worry too much about safety, it won’t explode.
LHD…I can remember when the first bows came out with the cam wheels on them. All they were for was to make a bow with an extreme draw pull workable by the average bow hunter. Believe it..They looked damn weird! Meekas bow is simply their worlds version. and according to Fer, considerably more powerful.
i have seen those bows, and operated a couple. they are fun. its just that bow arm join. that peg is not safe. if you want to incorporate a recoil dampener into the arms, have the hard go all the way up, but include a soft part as well.
I don’t know why, but I like something about this page more than most. I’m pretty sure it’s in the postures and emotions, especially Fen’s face in the fourth(?) panel, really shows off her eyes and the texture and nature of her hair.
Fer..this might be a silly question but does Farelliarian society have any game or games like chess? (research for book) Thanks either way..
Oh absolutely they have mental games. Chess has been around for thousands of years even in our world, so it’s only reasonable :p
Any thoughts on what the closest equivalent would would be called?
I’unno, like.. Battlescar. Yeah, sure, Battlescar.
Thanks…this will keep it linear.
congratulations on the milestone of 100. I hope you have fun on the rest.
Thanks! I’ll be sure to 🙂
Fens look in the second panel is great. You really have a great way of doing facial expressions.
Thanks 🙂 That’s always been my best quality, I think, and it’s not gotten any WORSE over the years.
i know that you said that the blue tube was energy, but it still looks like a bow stabiliser.
That’s because it IS a bow stabilizer 😉 Hence the weight at the end.
ok…but what about the bow arms? those bow arms don’t look safe. a bow arm is supposed to be one piece, not two joined by a peg…
The majority of pressure is on the harder and more solid interior arms, whilst the softer exterior arms are to soften the pull. Look, it just works, okay? :p Don’t worry too much about safety, it won’t explode.
…ok. i still think it’s weird.
But it looks cool 😉
yeah, it does. 🙂
LHD…I can remember when the first bows came out with the cam wheels on them. All they were for was to make a bow with an extreme draw pull workable by the average bow hunter. Believe it..They looked damn weird! Meekas bow is simply their worlds version. and according to Fer, considerably more powerful.
i have seen those bows, and operated a couple. they are fun. its just that bow arm join. that peg is not safe. if you want to incorporate a recoil dampener into the arms, have the hard go all the way up, but include a soft part as well.
I’ll consider modifying it a bit, there are some improvements to be made to its design that would also make it easier to draw.
I don’t know why, but I like something about this page more than most. I’m pretty sure it’s in the postures and emotions, especially Fen’s face in the fourth(?) panel, really shows off her eyes and the texture and nature of her hair.
It’s probably a combination of significant improvements to the backgrounds, more delicate linework, and overall improved quality 🙂
i like all :3 is getting awsome