I’m gonna slow down to one page a week for a little while, probably up til summer break in mid july, and then we’ll pick back up again after the break. Brain’s just being a little unenthusiastic.
Schedule is sundays for the time being 🙂
For unknown reasons, the site is having issues with its cache, causing things to not update correctly unless you reload the page after entering. This issue is pretty much across the board, both in regards to the comic on the front page, and the comments on each comic page.
I’m working on it, in the meantime, be aware that you may need to reload the site even after entering fresh. Will update when things are in order.
Hopefully that should murder the weird caching issues people have been having, where stuff isn’t showing up on the front page.
If anything doesn’t work, let me know either in a comment here, or on Tumblr if comments break for some reason. Trying to figure out why the front page cache takes so long to update the newest comic page.